I surrender to the pull within me
To become who i am
Shedding armor of expectation, prescription, presumption
To make way for the fruits my soul will bear
Or maybe there will be no fruits–who knows?!
The point is that my soul has work to do
Right work
And it’s been asking me to do it, to get out of the way
And now it is time.
I’m saying yes.
I surrender.
I’m saying yes to listening to my deep knowing, my inner wisdom
And trusting that knowing and wisdom
When there is fear and trepidation present, I choose to lean into it as it is a gift of deeper insight
In my faith to life force and Spirit, I will respond
Out of compassion and love and with clarity
I’m saying yes to evolution’s compelling draw
Understanding that I play a role in that unfolding that is beyond my humble and human grasp.