yesterday was my daughter’s college graduation. it was one of those days that involves plans. big plans.
and, it was friday the 13th.
the day announced herself when kate ditched walking across the stage, receiving her empty diploma holder and hearing her named called
and choose instead a special celebration lunch with family which went…let’s just say, not as we imagined it.
it was a full day of this–finding the beauty in the unexpected and the undesired.
and as i sat on my back patio last night to write and be with my full mama heart, a bird pooped on me. i mean, it was ridiculous. and the perfect ritual to bless the day-beyond-imagination.
then, this bit of writing poured out of me:
Today‘s big plans laughed at us
Mocking our arrogance
And offered instead a series of unlikely events
Each an off ramp to the unimaginable
Where love consumes all
and nothing is left to waste
Not even the shit.
Love consumed all. On Friday the 13th and everyday. My baby is now a college graduate and we celebrated her becoming with more love than I could have ever imagined, much less planned.
