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it occurred to me this morning on the trail that there have been two key lessons from my human journey that continue to serve my spiritual one. occupying this White body, i am learning about Power and unlearning conditioning around delusions of power. raised by my father in the south, i continue to learn about the wounds of masculinity and femininity in relationship to the Divine Masculine and Feminine.

our human conditions have much wisdom to offer in our journey on this earth. our human experiences are purposeful in growing us.

this season of advent, i’m excited to offer a series that explores this, drawing on the mystical and contemplative Christian tradition for insight and inspiration. we consider what it means to be spiritual beings having human experiences. Jesus came to teach us this, to show us the Way of Love and how to be wholly human. as we prepare for his birth, we will contemplate our own formation, together.

join me and my sister, Miriam McKenney Sunday evenings, 7-8:30pm from 11/27-12/18. reach out for the zoom link! all are welcome.

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